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If you are already a Locksmith then join the UK Locksmiths Association to gain more customers
Member Benefits
Join the UK Locksmiths Association and get tremendous value for money.
What you get as a Member of the UK Locksmiths Association
Why be a Member of the UK Locksmiths Association
UK Locksmiths Association Cost
The cost of a yearly membership to the UK Locksmiths Association is only £195.00 incl VAT with a yearly renewal of just £60.00 incl VAT! Alternatively Lifetime Membership is £500 incl VAT with no further renewal charges and includes free clothing (see below)!
Having the use of the logo is worth this small amount on its own let along all the additional extras that come with it.
You only need two jobs over the whole year to cover this investment so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Other big advertising companies would charge you over £1,000.00 to have just the advertising that we are offering.
UK Locksmiths Association LIFE MEMBERSHIP
By paying £500 (incl VAT) this will give you life time membership. This means you will never need to pay for a renewal fee again and still have all the benefits that comes with the membership. You also receive a UKLA Gold card, standard ID card AND includes one free jacket, free polo and free sweatshirt!!
First impressions count. By having the corporate clothing you immediately look the business. Whether you like it or not you will be judged by your clothing and by wearing the UKLA clothing you will create the image that you need as well as making the right impression.
The clothing is made from the top quality Fruit of the Loom brand and we have Sweatshirts and Polo shirts in all sizes.
Our clothing is embroidered on the left side of the chest leaving space on the right to add your own company logo on the right is you so wish.
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